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Welcome to Canyon Bible Fellowship

Since 1965, we have sought to proclaim the gospel faithfully to the residents of Lyons and the surrounding Santiam Canyon area. Come and be a part of Bible-believing, gospel-proclaiming congregation.

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Sunday Worship

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All Church Prayer

Starting at 9 am

We invite you to join us for a time of prayer in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 to 9:45 every Sunday morning.

Worship Service

Starting at 10 am

From September 15 through the end of March we will be in an extended study in the book of Galatians. The sermon series is entitled "Not Another Gospel"

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Our Community

Canyon Bible Fellowship began as Canyon Baptist Church. It all started in the summer  of 1963 with a group of people who lived in the Santiam Canyon area and had been attending Aumsville Baptist Church. The pastor of that church, Bob Luther, ministered to them in getting a church started in the Lyons area. They began meeting in homes for midweek Bible studies and times of prayer. Attendance grew, and meeting in homes didn't provide enough room for growth. The people longed for a local church and began praying for the leadership for this to happen.

In 1965, the original building was constructed, complete with a nursery, office and a classroom. The first services were held in November of 1965. The current sanctuary was built in 1986 and a two-story addition in 1999.

Canyon Bible Fellowship has been blessed to minister in the Santiam Canyon for more than 55 years.

To the Glory of God.

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"These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life."

1 John 5:13

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Contact Us

446 Cedar St., Lyons, OR 97358


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